1. Why do we need the upgrading the Cheung Chau Sewage Treatment Works?
    The existing Cheung Chau Sewage Treatment Works (CCSTW) performs primary sewage treatment. Due to the treatment works operated for more than 30 years, most of its facilities have reached their designed service life. With the expansion of the public sewerage system, the sewage treatment capacity and standard cannot fulfill the needs of Cheung Chau future development. The Project is to upgrade the the sewage treatment capacity and standard of CCSTW to cope with the future expansion of the public sewerage system, and to improve the water quality near Cheung Chau in long term.
  2. Why do Pak She Sewage Pumping Station also needed to be upgraded?
    The existing Pak She sewage pumping station (PSSPS) has been operating for over 30 years, with most of the facilities reaching the end of the design life. It is required to be upgraded and retrofit the electrical and mechanical equipment of the existing PSSPS. In addition, the peak pumping capacity will be increased to cope with the future expansion of the public sewerage system.
  3. There is any different between Primary Treatment and Secondary Treatment in sewage treatment?
    Preliminary treatment includes coarse and fine screening, grit removal, suspended solids removal and oil skimming. Secondary Treatment is purified by means of a biological treatment process after the preliminary treatment. The organic matter and nutrient after the preliminary treatment will be decomposed by micro-organisms in the biological treatment process.
  4. Will the daily sewage treatment be paused during the project?
    No, the daily sewage treatment will be maintained during the Project period.